A wise man once said, "no one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow."
Is it one of the places or generally they have like this?I can see there is no road either. :-)But the place looks like a typical stop to rest with some eating kiosks and a bench ?Was that boy carrying water?
I travelled all over Burma and didn't see a single "pump"... it's all like this.I think this one had a place for refreshments and resting.. but some others I saw had nothing near by.Boy was probably carrying water.. couldn't really see...
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Is it one of the places or generally they have like this?
I can see there is no road either. :-)
But the place looks like a typical stop to rest with some eating kiosks and a bench ?
Was that boy carrying water?
I travelled all over Burma and didn't see a single "pump"... it's all like this.
I think this one had a place for refreshments and resting.. but some others I saw had nothing near by.
Boy was probably carrying water.. couldn't really see...
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